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  • Elevate’s Best Practices for Document Management

    Every business has hundreds, if not thousands, of documents floating around at any given time, so it’s crucial that you understand how to manage them well.

    Without proper document organization and systems, you’ll waste valuable time searching for what you need internally and what you need to share or send to your clients.

    We are experts at creating customized document management solutions for our clients, so we asked our EAs to spill the tea on what they do behind the scenes!

    Document management struggles

    Using a drive does not count as a document management system.

    These are some of the main struggles our clients report when it comes to managing documents within their businesses:

    • Lack of file or folder structure
    • Too many folders or sub-folders
    • Not using naming conventions
    • Duplicating documents
    • Losing signed or confidential documents

    Read through that list and then take a hard look at your document management system to identify gaps in your process or missing systems.

    Best practices for managing your documents

    Instead of throwing everything into a random drive, forgetting what you called the doc, and then spending 25 minutes trying to track down what you need, our EAs suggest doing the following:

    • Audit your Drive to see what exists, what needs to be created, and what can be deleted
    • Establish a basic folder structure outline: Operations, HR, Legal, Marketing, Sales, Clients/Customers/Vendors, Accounting.
    • Identify the ideal file and folder layout and create an outline to follow
    • Create consistent naming conventions to make it easy to find documents in the future
    • Create user groups so you don’t have to individually give access to files/folders
    • Separate business and personal files
    • Only use one Drive whenever possible
    • Create one set of template documents to duplicate and work from when needed.

    Need help with your document management?

    Don’t waste valuable time searching for documents—those minutes add up to lost days or even weeks of work over the course of a year! Use these best practices to organize your documents and make it easy to always access what you need.

    If the thought of taming your document disaster is too much to put on your plate right now, you should consider turning it over to the Elevate team. We can either step in and provide ongoing EA support or create a custom partnership for a short-term document organization project. Either way, we have the skills and expertise to get your business streamlined, organized, and optimized!

  • Are you constantly double—or triple-booked with days that involve so many back-to-back meetings that you don’t have time to breathe?

    That’s no way to run a business. And it will negatively impact your productivity and sustainability over time.

    At Elevate, we step in and partner with CEOs and business owners to help give them control of their calendars back so they can use their time more efficiently and effectively.

    Today, our experienced EAs are sharing their top tips that you can take and use to improve your own calendar management in your business!

    Executive calendar management mistakes

    We have truly seen it all when it comes to calendar and time management disasters.

    Most of our clients tend to struggle with:

    • Double booking
    • Not enough breathing room or breaks between meetings
    • Not paying attention or following what’s on their calendar
    • Using more than one email account
    • Confusing personal and business calendars and appointments
    • Losing control over meetings just put on their calendars
    • Not being prepared for meetings
    • Not respecting time blocks

    Can you relate to any of those struggles? You’re not alone! Keep reading to see what we suggest doing instead.

    How to manage your calendar like a pro

    A well-managed calendar helps you feel more productive, increases your efficiency, and sets a solid standard for the rest of your team to follow.

    When you are in control of your time, you feel more peaceful, less chaotic, and less rushed. Calendar management is truly a game-changer!

    Here are the inside secrets our EAs shared about how to manage your calendar:

    • Merge all calendars so double-bookings don’t happen
    • Share access and visibility to all calendars across your team
    • Set meeting buffers and limits within your scheduling apps
    • Use color coding to indicate different calendar entries: green for networking, your company’s main color for meetings, blue or pink for personal appointments, etc.
    • Separate business and personal calendars and email accounts
    • Add focus time/free space into your day
    • Set meetings for 25 mins and 50 mins to automatically give yourself a break
    • Practice annual and quarterly calendar planning
    • Give your EA control of your calendar and allow them to be the gatekeeper of your time (we’ll protect your time better than you will!)
    • Create a templated agenda and ensure every meeting has a stated purpose, touchpoints, and loose or structured agenda as needed
    • Manually confirm calendar invites when using scheduling links
    • Use naming conventions for calendar invites
    • Mark personal appointments as private on your work calendar

    Need help with your executive calendar management?

    Implementing these best practices will help you take back control of your calendar and your time!

    But if you know maintaining these best practices is hard – or you know yourself well enough to know things will start to slip at some point – one of the best things you can do for yourself and your business is to bring on an EA.

    We are ruthlessly efficient and passionate about helping you manage your time and protect your priorities. Check out our Executive Assistant services to see how one of our talented EAs can level up your business and give you the gift of time!

  • 02 Oct 2024 by 95Visual

    Even the mightiest ships face storms, and B2B lead nurturing isn’t without its own set of squalls. The ever-shifting terrain of customer needs and expectations can feel like navigating through uncharted waters. One moment, you think you’ve got your bearings, and the next, the wind changes, and you’re off course. It’s a challenge, but with the right strategies, you can stay on track and keep your leads engaged.

    Common Challenges and Solutions in Lead Nurturing

    One of the biggest hurdles in lead nurturing is ensuring your messages don’t just get lost in the void. You’ve got great content, a solid product, but how do you make sure the right people are hearing you at the right time? It’s like shouting into the wind if your timing is off.


    1. Timely Communication: Keeping the Conversation Alive

    Timing is everything. Send a message too soon, and your lead might not be ready. Wait too long, and they’ve already moved on. The solution? Automated triggers. These are like your trusty first mates, always on the lookout, ready to send the right message at just the right moment. By setting up automated triggers based on user behavior—like when they visit a certain page or download a resource—you ensure that no lead is left unattended. This keeps the conversation warm and consistent, making it much more likely that your leads will stay engaged.

    2. Staying Agile: Adapting to Changing Customer Needs

    The market’s always changing. What worked yesterday might not work today. This is where agility comes into play. Regularly updating and refining your strategy with fresh intelligence gathered from customer feedback and market research is essential. Think of it as recalibrating your compass to ensure you’re always heading in the right direction. If you’re not staying ahead of trends and shifting customer desires, you’re falling behind. 

    3. Customer-Centric Culture: Aligning with Evolving Expectations

    Your leads aren’t just looking for a product; they’re looking for a solution that fits into their world. To keep up with their evolving expectations, your entire approach needs to be customer-centric. This means fostering a culture within your business that’s flexible, responsive, and focused on what your customers need—now and in the future. When your team is aligned with the mindset of your customers, your lead nurturing efforts become much more effective.


    Incorporating Marketing Automation in Lead Nurturing

    Now, let’s talk about marketing automation. Imagine your lead nurturing efforts as a symphony—each part moving in perfect harmony. Marketing automation is like the conductor, ensuring everything plays out smoothly and on time. It’s not just about making life easier; it’s about amplifying your strategy to reach its full potential.


    1. Streamlined Efficiency: Ensuring No Lead Falls Through the Cracks

    Marketing automation tools can handle the heavy lifting of repetitive tasks, like sending follow-up emails or scheduling social media posts. This way, you’re not just hoping that no lead slips through the cracks—you’re ensuring it. With automation, you can maintain a consistent presence without manually managing every little detail, freeing you up to focus on the big picture.

    2. Personalized Journeys: Tailoring the Experience

    One of the biggest benefits of marketing automation is the ability to create personalized journeys for each lead. It’s like having a custom-built map for each prospect, guiding them through the sales funnel based on their preferences, behavior, and needs. No two leads are the same, so why should their journeys be? Automation allows you to tailor your interactions, making each lead feel like you’re speaking directly to them.

    3. Human Touch: Enhancing, Not Replacing, Personal Interaction

    Even with all this automation, the human touch is still crucial. Technology should enhance your lead nurturing efforts, not replace the personal interactions that build trust and rapport. Use automation to handle the routine, but when it comes to closing deals or addressing specific concerns, nothing beats a real conversation. It’s the balance between automation and personal interaction that makes for a winning strategy.


    The Importance of Continuous Lead Nurturing

    Lead nurturing doesn’t stop once you’ve made a sale. It’s like tending a garden—you don’t just plant the seeds and walk away. You water them, pull the weeds, and watch as your garden flourishes over time. Continuous lead nurturing is about cultivating those customer relationships long after the first sale is made.


    1. Building Customer Loyalty: From Vendor to Trusted Advisor

    Regular engagement transforms your brand from just another vendor into a trusted advisor. When you’re consistently providing value and staying in touch, you become the first person they think of when they need a solution. This is how you build loyalty that lasts.

    2. Fostering Long-Term Relationships: Maturing Into Partnerships

    Like a well-aged wine, relationships take time to mature. The connections you maintain after the purchase can grow into partnerships of increased value. It’s not just about one-off transactions; it’s about building something that lasts and grows.

    3. Repeat Business and Referrals: The Gift That Keeps on Giving

    Satisfied customers don’t just come back—they bring friends. By nurturing these relationships consistently, you tap into the power of referrals. This is growth without the grind of constant hunting for new leads. When you’ve got happy customers singing your praises, the new business tends to find you.



    B2B lead nurturing is full of challenges, but with the right strategies, you can navigate these tricky waters. By focusing on timely communication, staying agile, and leveraging marketing automation, you can turn these challenges into opportunities. And remember, the nurturing doesn’t stop with the first sale—it’s a continuous process that builds loyalty, fosters long-term relationships, and drives repeat business. In the end, it’s all about cultivating relationships that grow and flourish over time, setting your business up for sustained success.



    Who is 95Visual & Joshua Maddux?

    95Visual is a leading web design and digital marketing agency based in Santa Clarita, CA, dedicated to helping businesses grow their online presence with custom solutions. We believe that every business is unique, and so are its challenges. That’s why we focus on creating tailored strategies that drive real results, whether it’s through innovative website design, targeted marketing campaigns, or comprehensive lead nurturing tactics.

    Joshua Maddux, the founder and CEO of 95Visual, has spent over a decade guiding businesses through the complexities of the digital world. With a knack for simplifying the most intricate marketing strategies, Joshua is passionate about helping companies not only survive but thrive in today’s competitive landscape. He’s all about building strong relationships—whether it’s between a brand and its customers or within the teams that drive those brands forward. Through 95Visual, Joshua has empowered countless businesses to achieve their goals by combining creativity, technology, and a deep understanding of what makes each client unique.

    At 95Visual, we don’t just design websites—we craft digital experiences that engage, convert, and keep customers coming back. And under Joshua’s leadership, we’ve become known for our commitment to delivering value and forging lasting partnerships that extend far beyond a single project. Whether you’re looking to revamp your online presence, develop a robust lead nurturing strategy, or simply need guidance on your next digital marketing move, 95Visual is here to help you navigate your journey to success.

  • This Halloween please donate to the SCV Food Pantry! Your monetary donation helps us help others. Every dollar goes directly to feeding kids and students in our area! We are feeding over 7000 people per month from the Santa Clarita Valley and we need your help. We just started helping out the students at Calarts!

  • 12 Sep 2024 by SCV Water

    SCV Water was recognized by the USC Foundation for Cross-Connection Control and Hydraulic Research for being a Charter Member in a ceremony on September 11, 2024, as the Foundation celebrates its 80th anniversary. SCV Water, through its legacy agencies, has been a member since the Foundation’s Membership Program was established in 1967.

    Over the years, the Foundation has partnered with SCV Water to test new backflow equipment and technologies in development within the SCV Water service area. This partnership has resulted in greater knowledge sharing between the Foundation and the Agency and keeps SCV Water on the forefront of innovation in water quality.

    The Foundation was established in 1944 following a 1943 incident during World War II when a supply ship was found to have harbor water in its potable water tanks. As a result, a group of individuals approached USC asking for research to be done on cross-connections and contamination to accomplish the goal of protecting potable water supplies.

    The Mentorship Program was created in 1967 to raise funds and ensure the continued development of cross-connection control information to best serve those working to protect potable water supplies through backflow prevention and cross-connection control.

    Since its inception, the Foundation has developed a set of high standards for backflow prevention assemblies, as well as a number of products and services that are designed to help water utilities like SCV Water, health agencies, plumbing inspectors, private contractors, engineers and the general public in their cross-connection control efforts. The Foundation also provides education and training for cross-connection control and backflow prevention and is regarded as the world’s utmost authority on the subject.

    To learn more about SCV Water’s Cross-Connection Control program and measures for backflow testing, please visit To learn more about the USC Foundation for Cross-Connection Control and Hydraulic Research, please visit


    About SCV Water: 

    The Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency (SCV Water) is a full-service regional water agency located in the Santa Clarita Valley. SCV Water provides water service to approximately 75,000 business and residential customers. It was formed on January 1, 2018, when local water suppliers combined into one integrated, regional water provider. More information can be found at

    For more information, please contact: 

    Kevin Strauss 

    Communications Manager 

    SCV Water  

  • Every CEO and leader we work with wishes they had more hours in their day. Can you relate?

    While we can’t create more time, we are experts at helping you do more in less time, which can feel like the same thing!

    Our Elevate EAs understand the nuances and intricacies of time management, and we help our clients improve their processes and streamline their practices to make efficiency an effortless, built-in aspect of their business.

    This post will walk you through the entire efficiency process, from misconceptions to how-to strategies and the real (sometimes overlooked) benefits of increasing your efficiency as a business owner or leader.

    Time is of the essence, so let’s get right to it!

    Misconceptions about efficiency

    When we onboard new clients, one of the first things we talk about are goals and expectations. Our clients often tell us they want to improve their efficiency, but they sometimes have a different idea about what that means in practice.

    We’re setting the record straight about what efficiency really is… and what it isn’t.

    Meetings do not increase efficiency.

    This may be hard to hear, but packing your day with back-to-back meetings does not make you more productive. It will exhaust you and keep you from doing the meaningful work you need to do.

    Meetings may feel productive… but when are you getting your work done?

    The most efficient leaders protect their time and create space each day to focus on meaningful work.

    Completing a lengthy to-do list does not increase efficiency.

    It may feel great to check off a huge to-do list, but that doesn’t make you effective or efficient – it makes you busy.

    Focusing on the number of tasks instead of the quality or purpose of the task will increase your busyness, but it won’t help your efficiency.

    Efficiency comes from making consistent, meaningful progress.

    At Elevate, we measure efficiency by how quickly you can accomplish meaningful goals, not by how many tasks you check off or how many meetings you can cram into a day.

    Our clients are often the most efficient when they have blank space in their calendars and only schedule a few key priorities to complete each day.

    It may seem counterintuitive, but that’s because most leaders confuse being busy or stretched thin with being efficient.

    Want to increase efficiency? Watch out for these roadblocks.

    Here’s what is getting in your way of using your time well:

    • Legitimately not having enough time: Sometimes, there really aren’t enough hours in the day to finish what you want to get done. Being more reasonable about what you can actually accomplish will help with this.
    • Small distractions: You're making progress until *ding* an email shows up, and you leave your task to go and deal with the in-the-moment need. Turning on Do Not Disturb and putting your phone out of reach will help you overcome this challenge.
    • Disorganization: Nothing sucks up more of your time than trying to manage an overflowing inbox or figure out where random meeting notes are from two weeks ago. Check out our post, which is all about how to organize your electronic files to solve this issue once and for all. 
    • Not knowing when to ask for help: Sometimes, no matter how great your intentions are, you just don't have the time for something. Not knowing when to delegate or request support will derail your efficiency every time. Be willing to request support when you need it. Understanding the 4 levels of delegation makes it easier to delegate like a pro!
    • Holding onto too much: There are often responsibilities that you must ultimately be responsible for, but you can often pull in an EA to help with specific parts of it (like creating a form or communication with stakeholders) without completely delegating it. Learn more about how SOPs can make it easier to know what you're responsible for and what others can own or take off your plate. 
    • Too many meetings: Back-to-back meetings will hold you back from actually getting work done. To overcome this roadblock, time block your calendar and honor those boundaries. Give yourself meeting-free days and protect your work time. 

    Expert tips to increase efficiency

    If you’re not currently working with an Elevate EA, we’re sharing some of our favorite insider tips you can take and implement today to start getting more done in less time!

    Block out time on your calendar (and respect it!) 

    You put time blocks on your calendar for a reason. 

    Make sure to communicate with your team about when you're blocking off time, and make sure everyone respects those boundaries. If someone requests to meet during a block or throws a meeting on your calendar, ask if the need can be accommodated with an email, Teams message, or voice memo instead of a face-to-face meeting. (Spoiler alert: almost anything can be solved over email!)

    Make time to plan your next day or week.

    At the end of the day (or week, if you prefer), sit down and look at what you accomplished and what still needs to be done. Evaluate what can be delegated, postponed, or removed from your tasks. 

    Make a list of your #1, #2, and #3 must-do tasks for the next day or week. Draw a line under those tasks and add any "would be nice" to accomplish tasks underneath. Anything that doesn't get done can be moved to tomorrow's or next week's list. 

    Use a tasks management platform.  

    Stop trying to keep everything in your head. A task management platform is efficiency's best friend!

    Not only do you get reminders of what you need to do, but you can add others to the platform to hold you accountable and make sure they're getting their supporting tasks done. 

    If you have a project manager or EA, they can be in charge of managing and updating the platform so you can easily see your top priorities from a daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly perspective. 

    What can you do with more time?

    When you increase your efficiency, you'll have more time available to you in your day. 

    But what do you do with that time? 

    If you're thinking, "Great! Now I just have to work more"... that is not the goal. Instead, we encourage our clients to use their time to create space for their priorities - at work, at home, and in their personal lives. 

    As a CEO, business owner, or department lead, you often take work home with you. But no one wants to be on their computer at the soccer field or at the dinner table. 

    Increased efficiency allows you to open up your calendar - not for more work - but for life events that happen. This helps you have more work-life harmony, with all of the pieces staying in place and allowing you time to focus on work when you're 'on the clock' and allowing you to focus on the rest of your life when you're not working. 

    When your team sees you, the CEO or leader, prioritizing your efficiency, creating achievable (prioritized!) to-do lists, reducing the number of meetings you take, and honoring the time blocks you set on your calendar - they are going to follow suit. 

    Your commitment to increased efficiency gives them permission and an example of how to increase their own efficiency. 

    You'll also respect their boundaries more when you're respecting your own! 

    Increased efficiency starts at the top and trickles down, with everyone following the same process on a day-to-day basis. 

    And when your entire team has more time and space, it opens up your availability to do creative work. Creativity leads to innovation, solutions, improvements, and new ideas! 

    The more efficient you are, the more calm, productive, and creative you and your team can be. 

    What’s next?

    Efficiency won’t increase itself! Take what you've learned here and apply it to your business. 

    How have you misunderstood efficiency or tried to increase efficiency in unhelpful ways? 

    What roadblocks can you identify that are getting in the way of your efficiency? 

    Which efficiency strategies can you start using today? 

    Reflect on where you are right now as a CEO or business owner, and use what we've shared here to put a plan in place for reaching your efficiency goals. 

    And if you're ready to bring an efficiency expert who can guide you through the process and take some of the work off your plate, we would love to talk to you about what partnering with an Elevate EA can do for your business. 

  • 05 Sep 2024 by REMO, Inc.

    The Remo Music Center is dedicated to providing an atmosphere where people from all walks of life, of all ages, with or without a musical background, can experience making music with others in a welcoming, friendly, non-challenging environment and experience the benefits and joys of making music.  Community Drum Circles, Kids Drum Circles, Special Events, and more… Visit. for schedule and information. 

  • 04 Sep 2024 by 95Visual

    When you’re diving into the world of B2B lead nurturing, think of your strategies like a well-stocked toolbox. You wouldn’t try to build a house with just a hammer, right? You need the right tools for each job. In the same way, mastering lead nurturing means knowing which tools—email marketing, social media, and webinars—will help you get the job done.

    Email Marketing: Your Workhorse for Personal Connection

    Email Marketing is the bread and butter of B2B lead nurturing. It’s like having a direct line into your prospect’s world. But here’s the thing—sending a generic email is like throwing a dart blindfolded. It might hit the mark, but chances are, it’ll miss. That’s why personalization is key. 

    When you’re crafting an email, you’re not just blasting out a message to the masses. You’re starting a conversation. Address them by name, acknowledge their specific pain points, and offer solutions tailored just for them. Imagine you’re sitting across the table from a lead, having a coffee and discussing how you can help. That’s the vibe you want your emails to give off. The more personal and relevant your message, the more likely your lead is to engage with it.

    And don’t forget segmentation. This is where you take that big list of contacts and break it down into smaller, more focused groups. Maybe some leads are interested in one aspect of your service, while others need something completely different. By tailoring your content to each segment, you ensure that every email feels like it was written just for them. It’s the difference between shouting into a crowded room and having a meaningful one-on-one chat.


    Social Media: Where Conversations and Connections Happen

    Now, let’s talk about social media. It’s easy to see it as just a place for funny cat videos and endless scrolling, but for B2B, it’s a goldmine. This is where professionals are hanging out, sharing ideas, and building networks. Your job is to join those conversations and position yourself as a go-to resource in your industry.

    Consistency is your best friend here. You can’t just post once and disappear for a month. It’s like trying to build a friendship—you have to show up regularly and be part of the conversation. Share content that adds value, comment on relevant discussions, and don’t be afraid to let your brand’s personality shine through. The more you engage, the more you build trust, and trust is the bedrock of any good business relationship.

    But remember, it’s not about talking at people; it’s about talking with them. Listen to what your audience is saying. Are they struggling with a particular challenge? Share a case study that addresses it. Did a big industry change just happen? Offer your take on it. When you consistently provide value, you’re not just another company trying to sell something—you’re a trusted advisor they’ll turn to when they’re ready to make a move.


    Webinars: The Double-Edged Sword of Education and Engagement

    Webinars are like the Swiss Army knife of lead nurturing—they educate, engage, and build relationships all at once. Think of them as virtual seminars where you can dive deep into topics that matter to your audience. You’re not just scratching the surface; you’re offering real insights that help your prospects tackle their challenges.

    But here’s the magic of webinars—they’re not just about you talking at your audience. They’re about creating a dialogue. You can answer questions in real-time, address concerns, and even steer the conversation based on the feedback you’re getting. This level of interaction builds a sense of community and trust that’s hard to achieve through other channels. 

    Plus, webinars position you as an expert in your field. When prospects see you sharing knowledge and offering solutions, they start to view you as the go-to authority in your industry. And when they’re ready to buy, who do you think they’ll call? The company that’s been helping them all along, of course.


    Tracking and Analyzing Data: The Detective Work of Lead Nurturing

    Let’s shift gears and talk about data. If email marketing, social media, and webinars are the tools in your toolbox, data is the blueprint that shows you how to use them effectively. Think of yourself as a detective—each lead is a clue that helps you solve the mystery of the perfect sale.

    Tracking metrics like conversion rates, email open rates, and customer engagement isn’t just about crunching numbers. It’s about understanding what’s working and what’s not. It’s about seeing the patterns that tell you when a lead is warming up and when they’re losing interest.

    For example, if you notice that certain emails consistently have higher open rates, dig into what’s making those subject lines so irresistible. Or if a particular webinar had higher engagement than others, analyze what made it stand out. Was it the topic? The time of day? The way you interacted with attendees? These insights allow you to tweak your approach, ensuring that each campaign is more effective than the last.

    This data-driven approach is like painting by numbers, but instead of just filling in the blanks, you’re creating a masterpiece that’s tailored to your audience’s needs. When you combine the right channels with smart data analysis, you’re not just nurturing leads—you’re guiding them down a path that leads straight to your door.



    Mastering B2B lead nurturing is about more than just using the right tools. It’s about knowing how and when to use them. Whether it’s the personalized touch of an email, the conversational tone of social media, or the interactive power of webinars, each channel has its place in your strategy. By staying consistent, providing value, and continuously refining your approach with data, you can build strong, lasting relationships that turn leads into loyal customers. And that, my friend, is how you set your business up for long-term success.



    Who is 95Visual & Joshua Maddux?

    95Visual is a leading web design and digital marketing agency based in Santa Clarita, CA, dedicated to helping businesses grow their online presence with custom solutions. We believe that every business is unique, and so are its challenges. That’s why we focus on creating tailored strategies that drive real results, whether it’s through innovative website design, targeted marketing campaigns, or comprehensive lead nurturing tactics.

    Joshua Maddux, the founder and CEO of 95Visual, has spent over a decade guiding businesses through the complexities of the digital world. With a knack for simplifying the most intricate marketing strategies, Joshua is passionate about helping companies not only survive but thrive in today’s competitive landscape. He’s all about building strong relationships—whether it’s between a brand and its customers or within the teams that drive those brands forward. Through 95Visual, Joshua has empowered countless businesses to achieve their goals by combining creativity, technology, and a deep understanding of what makes each client unique.

    At 95Visual, we don’t just design websites—we craft digital experiences that engage, convert, and keep customers coming back. And under Joshua’s leadership, we’ve become known for our commitment to delivering value and forging lasting partnerships that extend far beyond a single project. Whether you’re looking to revamp your online presence, develop a robust lead nurturing strategy, or simply need guidance on your next digital marketing move, 95Visual is here to help you navigate your journey to success.

  • 03 Sep 2024 by SchlickArt

    As a business owner, you know how important it is to have a strong online presence. That means more than just having a website—it means consistently creating and sharing content that represents your brand, engages your audience, and drives revenue. But for many businesses, creating that kind of content is easier said than done.

    Do any of these challenges sound familiar?

    • You know your business needs fresh content, but you’re unsure what to create or how often to post.
    • You struggle to find time for content creation between running day-to-day operations.
    • You’ve tried photography or video in the past but weren't happy with the final results represented your brand.
    • You’re feeling overwhelmed by the sheer volume of content needed to keep your website and social media up-to-date.

    If you’re nodding your head, you’re not alone—and you don’t have to do it all yourself. SchlickArt’s Visual Marketing Content Subscription was designed specifically for business professionals like you. We take the guesswork out of content creation, offering a consistent, done-for-you solution that helps your brand shine online.

    What Is SchlickArt’s Visual Marketing Content Subscription?

    Our subscription service is a game-changer for businesses. We provide a steady flow of professional photography and video content designed to keep your marketing fresh, engaging, and on-brand—without adding a ton of additional time to your schedule.

    How We Simplify Your Content Creation

    1. Quarterly Strategy Meetings: Every quarter, we sit down with you to plan your upcoming content based on your business goals. We help you figure out what content to create and how to align it with your marketing and revenue goals.

    2. Photo and Video Sessions: Based on the strategy meeting, we schedule and create content with you. From headshots to promotional videos, we produce everything you need for your website, social media, email newsletters, and more.

    3. Monthly Content Delivery: Instead of scrambling to create content, you’ll receive a steady stream of professional visuals each month. This includes high-quality photos and videos that are ready to use in any of the marketing strategies we have outlined in your strategy meeting.

    4. Video Transcripts: To make the most of your video content, we also provide transcripts, allowing you to easily repurpose it into written content like blogs or social media posts for you to futher captialize on the time you spend with us.

    Why Consistency Is Key

    Consistent content is more than just a buzzword—it’s a critical factor in building trust with your audience, boosting brand recognition, and driving growth. But consistency can be hard to achieve without a plan in place. That’s why our subscription service focuses on delivering regular, high-quality content that keeps your business top of mind for your customers.

    Imagine the impact of always having fresh, professional visuals ready to share. No more scrambling to create content at the last minute or worrying that your online presence looks outdated. With SchlickArt’s Visual Marketing Content Subscription, you can maintain a polished, professional brand image year-round—without the stress.

    Take Control of Your Content

    Your business deserves to stand out, and your content should work as hard as you do. If you’re ready to take the guesswork and stress out of visual content creation, we’re here to help. Visit our website to learn more about SchlickArt’s Visual Marketing Content Subscription and see how we can help your business thrive online.


    schlickart photography video subscriptions

  • 27 Aug 2024 by 95Visual

    Welcome to the world of B2B lead nurturing where every connection counts. Think of it like planting a garden. You wouldn’t just toss seeds onto the ground and hope for the best. Instead, you water them, give them sunlight, and make sure the weeds don’t choke them out. That’s exactly what you’re doing when you nurture leads. They need consistent care and attention to grow into strong customer relationships. If you’re just throwing out sales pitches and expecting deals to close themselves, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity.

    Understanding B2B Lead Nurturing

    Picture this: You’ve got a prospect who’s interested, but they’re not ready to buy yet. Maybe they’re like a kid in a candy store—looking around, overwhelmed by all the choices, and not quite sure what they want. This is where lead nurturing comes into play. It’s about guiding them, helping them figure out what’s right for them, and making sure they think of you when they’re finally ready to make a purchase.

    In today’s market, buyers have more options than ever before. They’re bombarded with information, making it easy for them to lose sight of your business if you’re not actively engaging with them. Effective lead nurturing keeps you in the forefront of their minds, ensuring that when they’re ready to make a decision, they turn to you instead of your competitors.

    But lead nurturing isn’t just about staying visible—it’s about building trust. Buyers are more likely to do business with companies they trust, and trust is earned over time through consistent, valuable interactions. By providing relevant information, answering their questions, and addressing their concerns, you position yourself as a trusted advisor, not just another salesperson. This relationship-building approach can significantly increase your chances of turning leads into loyal customers.

    Key Elements of a Successful Lead Nurturing Campaign

    1. Personalization: Imagine trying to win someone over by calling them “Hey you.” Not exactly charming, right? Personalization is the antidote. By addressing leads by name and speaking to their specific needs, you show them they’re not just another number in your CRM. Personalization can be as simple as tailoring your emails to address the recipient’s specific pain points or as advanced as creating dynamic content that changes based on their behavior. When a lead feels understood and valued, they’re more likely to engage with your brand and move further down the sales funnel.
    2. Timely Follow-Ups: Timing is everything. Follow up too soon, and you’re annoying. Wait too long, and they’ve moved on. It’s like trying to catch a bus—you’ve got to be there at the right time, or it’s gone. The same goes for lead nurturing. Regular check-ins keep your leads engaged without overwhelming them. Use automation tools to schedule follow-ups at optimal times based on the lead’s behavior and engagement level. Whether it’s a quick “just checking in” email or a detailed follow-up after a webinar they attended, timely communication shows that you’re attentive to their needs and ready to assist when they’re ready to take the next step.
    3. Providing Value: No one likes a one-way street. If all you’re doing is asking for a sale without offering anything in return, you’re not nurturing; you’re pestering. Offering value at every turn—whether it’s insights, tips, or resources that make their life easier—is crucial. For example, if you know a lead is struggling with a specific challenge, send them a case study that shows how your solution has helped others in similar situations. Or offer a free consultation to help them identify areas for improvement in their current process. This not only demonstrates your expertise but also positions you as a partner in their success. This is how you become more than just another vendor; you become a trusted advisor.

      Value-driven content is key here. It’s not just about pushing your product; it’s about educating your leads and helping them solve problems, even before they buy from you. This can include blog posts, whitepapers, webinars, or personalized recommendations. The goal is to provide actionable insights that help them in their decision-making process, making you an indispensable resource in their journey.

    Why Lead Nurturing is a Game-Changer

    Lead nurturing isn’t just a nice-to-have—it’s a game-changer. Businesses that excel at lead nurturing generate 50% more sales-ready leads at a 33% lower cost. These nurtured leads also make 47% larger purchases than non-nurtured leads. That’s the difference between having a pipeline full of warm leads and one that’s cold and stagnant.

    But beyond the numbers, lead nurturing builds relationships that last. It’s the difference between a one-time sale and a long-term customer. In the B2B space, where the sales cycle can be lengthy and complex, having a robust lead nurturing strategy ensures that you’re consistently moving prospects through the funnel and closing more deals.


    At its core, B2B lead nurturing is about being there for your prospects—guiding them, educating them, and helping them make the best decisions for their business. It’s not just about closing a sale; it’s about creating relationships that last. By focusing on personalization, timely follow-ups, and providing value, you’re not just nurturing leads—you’re building a foundation for sustained business success. In a market where competition is fierce and buyer attention is fleeting, mastering the art of lead nurturing can set your business apart and drive significant growth.



    Who is 95Visual & Joshua Maddux?

    95Visual is a leading web design and digital marketing agency based in Santa Clarita, CA, dedicated to helping businesses grow their online presence with custom solutions. We believe that every business is unique, and so are its challenges. That’s why we focus on creating tailored strategies that drive real results, whether it’s through innovative website design, targeted marketing campaigns, or comprehensive lead nurturing tactics.

    Joshua Maddux, the founder and CEO of 95Visual, has spent over a decade guiding businesses through the complexities of the digital world. With a knack for simplifying the most intricate marketing strategies, Joshua is passionate about helping companies not only survive but thrive in today’s competitive landscape. He’s all about building strong relationships—whether it’s between a brand and its customers or within the teams that drive those brands forward. Through 95Visual, Joshua has empowered countless businesses to achieve their goals by combining creativity, technology, and a deep understanding of what makes each client unique.

    At 95Visual, we don’t just design websites—we craft digital experiences that engage, convert, and keep customers coming back. And under Joshua’s leadership, we’ve become known for our commitment to delivering value and forging lasting partnerships that extend far beyond a single project. Whether you’re looking to revamp your online presence, develop a robust lead nurturing strategy, or simply need guidance on your next digital marketing move, 95Visual is here to help you navigate your journey to success.

  • 16 Aug 2024 by SCV Water

    In coordination with the City of Santa Clarita’s annual Road Rehab program, SCV Water will begin construction of a new pipeline on Bouquet Canyon Road near Newhall Ranch Road beginning Monday, August 19. Originally planned as part of a project to construct a new water treatment facility to address per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), the pipeline will connect wells to the Rio Vista Intake Pump Station, located just south of the Lowe’s shopping center.

    Construction of the pipeline will be done during overnight hours. During construction, a minimum of one lane of traffic will be open in both directions on Bouquet Canyon Road.


    Start Date: Monday, August 19, 2024

    Anticipated End Date: Friday, August 30, 2024

    Work Hours: 9:00 p.m. to 4:30 a.m.

    This phase of the water treatment facility project is being expedited so it coincides with the City’s ongoing Road Rehab work on Bouquet Canyon Road. As a result, the need to dig into the street and repave it again at a future date is eliminated.

    For questions about the construction of the pipeline or the water treatment facility project at the Rio Vista Intake Pump Station, please email SCV Water Principal Engineer Orlando Moreno at


    About SCV Water:

    The Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency (SCV Water) is a full-service regional water agency

    located in the Santa Clarita Valley. SCV Water provides water service to approximately 75,000

    business and residential customers. It was formed on January 1, 2018, when local water

    suppliers combined into one integrated, regional water provider. More information can be found


    For more information, please contact:

    Kevin Strauss

    Communications Manager - SCV Water


  • Running a business can feel like a non-stop deluge of meetings, Zoom calls, emails, and daily tasks.

    As a CEO or business owner, part of your job is to make sure everyone is working toward a shared mission and vision – bringing together different roles and responsibilities to meet your shared goals.

    But it’s unfortunately easy (and typical) to lose focus in the midst of the daily chaos and responsibilities.

    At Elevate, we specialize in helping CEOs and business owners take a step back and make time to reflect on their business growth and realign their actions with their big goals. Our founder, Ashley, guides this process known as Strategic Mapping… and it’s a serious game-changer.

    Who needs to do a Strategic Mapping session?

    There are a number of signs you may need to do some Strategic Mapping, including:

    • Feeling burned out or overly stressed
    • Feeling a lack of clarity or loss of vision
    • Lack of business growth
    • High employee turnover or dissatisfaction among team members
    • Decision fatigue or paralysis
    • Working too much without making time for the rest of your life
    • Clients leaving or sharing negative feedback
    • Revenue declining or cash flow issues
    • Noticing an increase in bottlenecks or operational challenges
    • No longer prioritizing your own professional development

    These sessions are perfect for leaders who feel lost, disconnected, or overwhelmed, and they are equally helpful for leaders who are focused, committed, and dedicated to turning goals into action.

    Whether you feel on top of your business or lost in the middle of it all, a Strategic Mapping session will give you massive clarity and put you squarely in the driver’s seat.

    What will a Strategic Mapping session do for your business?

    We recently completed a Strategic Mapping session with a client who came to us because they were feeling disorganized and having trouble making strategic decisions in their business.

    They described how the Strategic Mapping session was helpful from the initial paperwork through the two calls:

    “From the form in the beginning, I felt like this process was going to be worth the money, and I was right. I immediately started asking myself questions about this business that change how I approach things. I feel each session was well planned and organized, and the continued support after the sessions is helpful, too.”

    Strategic Mapping sessions are designed to create:

         ✔️ Clarity around your mission and vision

         ✔️ Clearly defined core values to guide your decisions

         ✔️ Defined priorities and objectives for the next 4 quarters

         ✔️ An aligned action plan focused on your goals + priorities

         ✔️ Organized due dates + plans for achieving your goals

    Sounds amazing! How does this all work?

    A Strategic Mapping session takes place over two 90-minute calls with Ashley, our founder, who is licensed in Strategic Mapping.

    The calls are completely customized to your business and designed to help you get clarity and pull back the layers of your business to tap into what truly matters.

    Your goals and priorities guide the entire process. But don’t worry; if you’re not clear on your goals and priorities, we will work with you to figure them out and empower you to pursue a clear direction forward.

    Like one recent Strategic Mapping client, you can choose to follow up your two sessions with ongoing support to give you the accountability and organization you need to stay on track with the plan we create during your Strategic Mapping session.

    This client shared:

    “We have many goals, and I feel monthly or quarterly calls would help greatly. I also like the referrals and templates shared.”

    You’ll receive a curated list of support materials and recommendations to implement your action plan. This can include things like goal planning templates, organizational tools, and recommended contractors or specialists to support your progress.

    Strategic Mapping sets you up for the most focused, intentional four quarters you’ve ever had in your business.

    It also comes with the tools and option for ongoing support to keep you on track and implement your action plan so you can reap all the rewards!

    What’s next?

    If you think your business would benefit from Strategic Mapping, we would love to hear more about the type of help you’re looking for.

    You don’t have to figure out everything in your business alone. In fact, many times, we are so close to our own businesses that it’s impossible to get the clarity we need without an outside perspective.

    If you’re looking to make some big decisions about how you want to grow or scale in the next year – this is the perfect service for you!

    And if you’re tired of feeling overwhelmed and stuck in the daily operations and you’d love some help taking a step back and looking at your business's big picture, don’t hesitate to reach out and schedule your Strategic Mapping session today!


  • 15 Aug 2024 by SCV Water

    SCV Water recently completed construction of the Wash Water Return and Sludge Systems Project (Project) at its Earl Schmidt Filtration Plant (ESFP), located near Castaic Lake. The additions will improve treatment plant operations, ensure regulatory compliance and reduce staff maintenance activities.

    “The completion of these modifications enhances the operational reliability of the wash water return system and the maintenance of the sludge collection system,” said SCV Water’s Water Treatment Manager Rafael Pulido. “And overall, this project has increased the resiliency of our water treatment system.”

    The Project, which cost approximately $18.8 million and took two years to construct, included the addition of two wash water return basins, one sludge thickener tank and one sludge drying bed to the water treatment system.

    Prior to the Project, the ESFP had two existing wash water return basins, one sludge thickener tank and two sludge drying beds.

    Part of the Water Treatment Process

    During the treatment process, water goes through filtration, which is the process of passing water through material such as a bed of coal, sand, or other granular substance to remove particulate impurities. The different materials work like a giant strainer and trap remaining particulates, but after time, the filters start to get packed full of particles.

    Water treatment operators clean the filters using a procedure called backwashing. Potable water is run backwards through the filters, releasing the entrapped particulates. This wash water is sent to the wash water return basins and, after a settling process, the wash water is returned to the head of the plant and combined with raw water from Castaic Lake to be treated.


    About the Earl Schmidt Filtration Plant

    SCV Water owns and operates two surface water treatment plants, the Rio Vista Water

    Treatment Plant (RVWTP) and the Earl Schmidt Filtration Plant (ESFP), that treats State Water

    Project surface water from Castaic Lake. Originally built in 1980, ESFP had a potable water treatment capacity of 33.6 million gallons per day (mgd). Since then, ESFP has undergone several treatment upgrades, including an expansion of plant capacity up to 56 mgd in 2006 when raw water ozonation, contact clarifiers, wash water treatment facilities, and other miscellaneous process modifications were added. Most recently, in 2024, two additional wash water return basins, a second sludge thickener tank, and a third sludge drying bed were added to improve treatment plant operations, ensure regulatory compliance and reduce staff maintenance activities.

    About SCV Water:

    The Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency (SCV Water) is a full-service regional water agency

    located in the Santa Clarita Valley. SCV Water provides water service to approximately 75,000

    business and residential customers. It was formed on January 1, 2018, when local water

    suppliers combined into one integrated, regional water provider. More information can be found


    For more information, please contact:

    Kevin Strauss

    Communications Manager - SCV Water

  • 11 Aug 2024 by Robin Litvak

    Feel the infrared difference 🔥 Our full-spectrum infrared saunas offer a range of benefits including stress relief, improved skin health, enhanced detoxification, and feeling GOOD in your skin.

    All saunas include a private room with personalized treatments and entertainment. Guests choose from red light therapy, an array of color lights, premium entertainment options, and set their temperature settings.

    Select sauna suites have private showers so you can rinse off and continue your day fully refreshed. SNØ SHOWERS currently included with iRitual memberships.

    • Reserve today and get your FIRST SESSION FOR FREE during VIP weekend. Only those on the reservation list will be invited - don't miss this opportunity to get the lowest rates!

    • Purchased memberships automatically renew each month
    • Active IRelax Membership sessions rollover for 90 Days
    • Cancel any time ✨


    Santa Clarita Valley Chamber members are eligible for member discounts on standard rates (does not apply to Founding Memberships, these are the BEST rates we will have!).


    Reserve your Founding Membership here!

    Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @perspirevalencia

  • The Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz) is now accepting applications for the California Competes Tax Credit (CCTC).  There are at least $215 million in tax credits available during this application period for businesses that are expanding and adding quality, full-time jobs in California that might not otherwise be created by the business or any other business. The deadline to submit applications is Monday, August 12, at 11:59 p.m. PST and the online application website will automatically close once this deadline has passed.  The online application can be accessed at   

    An updated application guide, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), a recorded webinar, and program regulations are available at  
    Businesses interested in learning more about California Competes can participate in free application webinars. The next webinar is: 
    August 1, 2024 | 3:00-4:00pm
    Details and Registration

    We encourage businesses to apply for this valuable state tax credit. For more information and questions please contact Linden Johnson at

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