California Community Briefing
California Community Briefing
I-5 NCEP Weekly Look-Ahead: December 18 to 24, 2023Prepare for weeknight intermittent lane reductions in both directions between SR-14 and Parker Rd from 8pm to 6am to support all the below activities on I-5. Crews begin mobilizing at 6am and work hours are 7am to 4pm and 7pm to 6am on weekdays, and Saturdays as needed. SR-14 to Magic Mountain PkwyWeldon Canyon Rd Bridge shoring support installation. | Full Notice SR-14 to Magic Mountain PkwySanta Clara Overhead bridge forming, rebar installation, concrete placement, backfilling, and striping activity between Magic Mountain Pkwy and Rye Canyon Rd. | Full Notice Essential Details
NoteworthyAccess to emergency responders will be maintained. Construction is a dynamic process, it is subject to weather conditions, and information is subject to change, visit the project website for the most up to date information and a weekly listing. |
I-5 NCEP Weekly Look-Ahead: December 11 to 17, 2023Prepare for weeknight intermittent lane reductions in both directions between SR-14 and Parker Rd from 8pm to 6am to support all the below activities on I-5. Crews begin mobilizing at 6am and work hours are 7am to 4pm and 7pm to 6am on weekdays, and Saturdays as needed. SR-14 to Magic Mountain PkwyGavin Canyon Undercrossing bridge falsework activity. Prepare for intermittent full lane closures of The Old Rd between Weldon Canyon Rd and Calgrove Bl, Monday through Friday from 9pm to 5am. Additionally, lanes have been reduced from two to one in both northbound and southbound directions along The Old Rd at Gavin Canyon Bridge through Winter 2024. View full notice for detour routes. | Full Notice SR-14 to Magic Mountain PkwySanta Clara Overhead bridge forming, rebar installation, concrete placement, backfilling, and striping activity between Magic Mountain Pkwy and Rye Canyon Rd. | Full Notice Center median concrete placement between Magic Mountain Pkwy and Valencia Bl. | Full Notice Essential Details
NoteworthyAccess to emergency responders will be maintained. Construction is a dynamic process, it is subject to weather conditions, and information is subject to change, visit the project website for the most up to date information and a weekly listing. |
Donate November 24 through December 31 and help our neighbors in need.
STUDIO CITY, Calif., – It’s time to clean our closets for charity and support the Flair Cleaners 21st Annual Holiday Clothing and Shoe Drive from November 24 through December 31, 2023. Customers and community members can donate at any of Flair Cleaners four locations. Pickup and Delivery customers may leave a clearly marked bag out with their orders. Donations will be given to the National Council of Jewish Women, the San Fernando Valley Rescue Mission and The Salvation Army Santa Monica.
“The numbers are staggering: 58,936 people in Los Angeles County are experiencing homelessness and six out of 10 of these are without housing for the first time. Without homes, many of these individuals lack basic needs including clothing and shoes,” said Gary Futterman, owner of Flair Cleaners. “This annual event makes it easy for our customers to not only clear their closets of unused items but helps our communities and neighbors in need.”
Items needed most:
Donating Tips:
A Southern California Edison Electric System Upgrade on Lyons Avenue will begin on Monday, December 11. Southern California Edison, along with their contractor, HotLine Construction Inc., will perform underground vault and conduit installations on Lyons Avenue, from Railroad Avenue to Wiley Canyon Road. The work will temporarily affect the Number 1 and Number 2 eastbound lanes.
Work hours will take place at night, Monday through Friday from 8:30 p.m. to 4:30 a.m., excluding City observed holidays. Drivers are asked to be aware of the lane closures and to plan their routes accordingly. Electronic message boards will be posted to inform motorists of upcoming lane closures. Drivers are reminded to please reduce their speed through the construction zone. Safety is the number one priority around all construction work, and the City of Santa Clarita is closely collaborating with the utility companies to ensure the least inconvenience to the community. The work is scheduled to be completed by August 30, 2024.
For more information about the project, please contact Assistant City Engineer Amalia Marreh at amarreh@santaclarita.gov or call (661)255-4363.
Santa Clarita Transit Returns to Full Service
The City of Santa Clarita is pleased to announce that MV Transportation and the union that represents the bus drivers came to an agreement on Sunday, ending the strike. This resolution brings the restoration of regular local, commuter, Dial-A-Ride and ADA services to residents beginning today, Monday, December 4.
Please continue to follow Santa Clarita Transit on (X) Twitter for the latest updates, @SCTBus and continue to utilize SantaClaritaTransit.com for routes, schedules, services and more. For questions regarding service and routes, please call (661) 295-6300.
I-5 NCEP Weekly Look-Ahead: November 27 to December 3, 2023Construction Update Community Meeting: Save the Date NOTE: Freeway closures are paused on Monday, November 27 due to Thanksgiving. Prepare for weeknight intermittent lane reductions in both directions between SR-14 and Parker Rd from 8pm to 6am to support all the below activities on I-5. Crews begin mobilizing at 6am and work hours are 7am to 4pm and 7pm to 6am on weekdays, and Saturdays as needed. SR-14 to Magic Mountain PkwyWeldon Canyon Rd bridge remaining demolition work. | Full Notice SR-14 to Magic Mountain PkwySanta Clara Overhead bridge forming, rebar installation and concrete placement between Magic Mountain Pkwy and Rye Canyon Rd. | Full Notice Castaic Creek bridge forming, rebar installation, and concrete placement between Biscailuz Dr and Hasley Canyon Rd. | Full Notice Essential Details
NoteworthyAccess to emergency responders will be maintained. Construction is a dynamic process, it is subject to weather conditions, and information is subject to change, visit the project website for the most up to date information and a weekly listing. |
Santa Clarita Non-Profits Invited to Apply for 2024-25 Funding Cycle
The City of Santa Clarita (City) is pleased to announce the release of the 2024-25 Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) and has scheduled informational meetings for organizations interested in applying for 2024-25 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding. The City invites non-profit organizations that serve low and moderate-income residents to attend an informational meeting to learn more about the program and to receive a funding application for the 2024-25 program year.
Each year, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) provides the City with CDBG funding, which is primarily intended to benefit low- and moderate-income residents. The City awards a portion of this allocation through grants to eligible non-profit organizations to provide services and resources for some of the City’s most vulnerable residents. Individuals and for-profit organizations are not eligible to apply.
The City requires interested applicants to attend one of two scheduled Zoom informational meetings to learn more about applying for and how to receive funding. Following the meeting, the City will provide interested applicants with a funding application. Meetings are scheduled as follows:
For more information, including the Zoom meeting link, passcode and where to RSVP, please visit the City’s website at SantaClarita.gov/Housing.
Every five years, the City develops a CDBG strategic planning document called the Consolidated Plan (Con Plan). The Con Plan sets priorities for how CDBG funds will be used. In addition, each year the City conducts a community needs assessment and develops a CDBG Annual Action Plan (AAP). The AAP outlines how the annual allocation of CDBG funds are spent and establishes goals for the number of individuals served.
This NOFA allows community-based organizations the opportunity to apply for funds to serve low and moderate-income residents as part of the AAP during the Program Year of July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025. All proposals must address a Con Plan Priority and meet a variety of other cross-cutting federal regulations, including compliance with reporting and record-keeping requirements. Only residents of the City of Santa Clarita may be served by any CDBG funding awarded.
For more information about the City of Santa Clarita’s CDBG program or the funding application process, please contact Project Technician Donya Plazo by email at dplazo@santa-clarita.com or by phone at (661) 255-4368.
Construction Update Community Meeting: Save the Date
Join Metro’s I-5 North County Enhancements Project for the next community meeting to receive updates on the construction activities along the I-5 freeway.
Project staff will outline upcoming construction timelines and provide an update on activities in the Santa Clarita Valley and North LA County communities, including a recap of the demolition of the Weldon Canyon Rd bridge, and activities planned for Stage 2 of the project. We look forward to hearing your questions, comments, and to keeping you informed for the duration of construction. | More Information
Wednesday, November 29, 2023, 6PM to 7:30PM
Zoom Link: us02web.zoom.us/j/99714777647
Webinar ID: 997 1477 7647
Call-in: (213) 338-8477
Special accommodations are available to the public for Metro-sponsored meetings. All requests for reasonable accommodations and translation must be made at least three working days (72 hours) in advance of the scheduled meeting date.
NOTE: I-5 restriping between SR-14 to Calgrove Bl taking place Monday, 11/20 and Tuesday, 11/21. Prepare for lane reductions in both northbound and southbound directions. Freeway closures are paused from Wednesday, 11/22 to Monday, 11/27 due to Thanksgiving.
Prepare for weeknight intermittent lane reductions in both directions between SR-14 and Parker Rd from 8pm to 6am to support all the below activities on I-5. Crews begin mobilizing at 6am and work hours are 7am to 4pm and 7pm to 6am on weekdays, and Saturdays as needed.
Gavin Canyon Undercrossing bridge construction. Prepare for intermittent full lane closures of The Old Rd between Weldon Canyon Rd and Calgrove Bl, Monday through Friday from 9pm to 5am. View full notice for detour routes. | Full Notice
Calgrove Bl Undercrossing bridge falsework installation. Prepare for intermittent full lane closures of Calgrove Bl between The Old Rd and Wiley Canyon Rd, Monday through Friday from 9pm to 6am. View full notice for detour routes. | Full Notice
Southbound outside shoulder retaining wall excavation and drainage system work between Weldon Canyon Rd and Calgrove Bl. View full notice for schedule and detour routes. | Full Notice
Center median retaining wall construction and drainage system work between SR-14 and Magic Mountain Pkwy. | Full Notice
Santa Clara Overhead bridge forming, rebar installation, concrete placement and fine grading activity between Magic Mountain Pkwy and Rye Canyon Rd. | Full Notice
Castaic Creek bridge forming, rebar installation, and concrete placement between Biscailuz Dr and Hasley Canyon Rd. | Full Notice
Center median concrete placement and pipe replacement between Magic Mountain Pkwy Rd and Parker Rd. | Full Notice
Access to emergency responders will be maintained. Construction is a dynamic process, it is subject to weather conditions, and information is subject to change, visit the project website for the most up to date information and a weekly listing.
Between December 2023 and March 2024, customers who sign up will receive a text message when there is a 20% or more increase in the monthly natural gas commodity cost, which impacts a portion of their bills
LOS ANGELES – November 14, 2023 – Southern California Gas Co. (SoCalGas) today introduced an optional customer text message called the Natural Gas Price Notice. Customers who sign up will receive a text message from SoCalGas when there is a 20 percent or more increase in the monthly natural gas commodity cost – which impacts a portion of their bills. The 20 percent or more increase is based on the average of the last three winter (November to March) seasons' monthly natural gas commodity prices. Starting Nov. 14, customers can complete the sign-up form to receive the Natural Gas Price Notices from December 2023 through March 2024, as applicable.
“We’re excited to be rolling out this new resource for our customers to help them make informed decisions about their energy usage this winter,” said Gillian Wright, Senior Vice President and Chief Customer Officer. “While the U.S. Energy Information Administration is predicting a milder winter ahead of us, we continue to encourage customers to take advantage of the tools and options provided by SoCalGas to manage energy consumption and make energy-efficient home improvements to help lower bills.”
Customers can learn more and sign up for the Natural Gas Price Notice at socalgas.com/NotifyMe or through My Account and will receive a confirmation text message once their sign-up form is submitted.
SoCalGas does not set the price for natural gas. Rather, natural gas prices fluctuate based on national and regional markets. SoCalGas purchases natural gas in those markets on behalf of residential and small business customers, and the cost of buying that gas is billed to those customers with no markup, meaning SoCalGas does not earn additional profits from the sale of natural gas or higher supply prices.
According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, a combination of out-of-state natural gas supply constraints, combined with early and persistent cold weather conditions across the West and low storage inventories in the western region, drove up commodity prices last winter. This October, the EIA reported that temperatures were expected to be warmer than last winter, which was unusually cold.
In addition to approving SoCalGas’ new text message notification, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) voted in August to increase the maximum storage level allowed at the Aliso Canyon Natural Gas Storage Facility from 41.16 billion cubic feet (bcf) to 68.6 bcf, “to enhance energy resiliency and protect ratepayers in Southern California from potential volatile wholesale natural gas prices this upcoming winter.” It also voted to lift limits on when Aliso Canyon could be used to meet customer demand.
The CPUC also continues to consider a request from SoCalGas to give customers earlier access to state climate credits to assist with winter bills, by accelerating delivery of those credits from April to February.
SoCalGas has a suite of programs and services that can help customers manage their natural gas usage to help save energy and money.
Eligible customers may sign up for a Level Pay Plan (LPP), for example, which averages their annual natural gas use and costs over 12 months. There are also assistance programs for eligible customers who are experiencing hardships.
SoCalGas's Ways to Save tool may also help customers with energy savings options through a personalized savings plan that offers a household energy analysis, customized energy-efficiency recommendations, bill comparisons, and energy usage comparisons that could help save on natural gas bills. Customers can also sign up for weekly Bill Tracker Alerts to monitor natural gas consumption, take steps to reduce usage, avoid bill surprises, and more.
For more information about SoCalGas’ new Natural Gas Price Notice, visit socalgas.com/NotifyMe.